Fuenfacht becomes Ellisekiz: a new name for a strong future

There are moments in life that bring change – and one of these changes is the renaming of our agency. We recently decided to change the name of our agency from “Fuenfacht” to “Ellisekiz”. This move is more than just a name change; it marks a new beginning and a new vision for the future.

Why the name was changed

The name “Fuenfacht” has accompanied us over the years and brought us many wonderful moments. However, as the agency has grown and developed, it was time to choose a name that better suits our direction and philosophy. “Ellisekiz” is not only the name of our agency, but also a strong link to our own history. The name is derived from our team name and thus reflects our personal touch and commitment.

Fuenfacht Logo and Ellisekiz Logo

What changes with the new name

With the new name comes not only a change in appearance, but also a clear vision for the future. “Ellisekiz” stands for creativity, innovation and the highest quality in all areas in which we operate. We want to continue to inspire our customers with customized solutions in the areas of design, web development, e-commerce, SEO, social media, marketing, branding, app development, photography, IT services and consulting.

The future of Ellisekiz

Change is an essential part of our growth. We remain true to our philosophy, which is based on trust, creativity and long-term partnerships. With “Ellisekiz” we want to continue to offer our customers innovative ideas and solutions that strengthen their brands and achieve their goals.

We look forward to the next steps and to continuing to work with you – now under the name “Ellisekiz”.

Stay tuned for exciting developments, creative projects and new posts on our blog that will keep you informed about the latest trends and topics in the digital world.